Monday, September 15, 2014


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

 I have signed up for Bloglovin. If you would like to follow me there the link is above.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge

This is my sign up post for the "Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge" hosted by Mom's Small Victories, I'm Lost in Books, and Savvy Working Gal.

Length of Time: Indefinite (since my blog focuses on this specifically)
How Many Countries: As many as I can
How Will I Track the Countries I Visit: Using a Google maps sound interesting and I will also have a bookshelf dedicated to it at Goodreads
Book List or Genre: Mystery

And that's it for the sign up post. As I create posts for each of the continents, I will link them back here.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Introducing "Mystery Enthusiast": The World Literature Mystery Reader

Welcome to my new blog! I am Kendra and "Mystery Enthusiast" is supposed to be my book blog that focuses on mystery. But not just any old mystery book will be featured here, the books I review will have another requirement: they must be worldly. This is not just limited to books written by authors across the globe, but books that feature settings of places other than the United States.

I decided to create this blog not just because of this beautiful theme from Parajunkee (that was only free for 24 hours so I decided to jump right into it) but because I have always had a fascination with other countries. I even got my BA in Anthropology. While my job prospects have become more mundane than I had hoped when in college, I still maintain my thirst for adventure and knowledge. Hence my creation of "Mystery Enthusiast".

To introduce you to myself I will give you a world tour of my interests in countries from elementary school.